7 Engaging Activities for Parents to Foster Children's Self-Regulation Skills with Cognitivities
7 Engaging Activities for Parents to Foster Children's Self-Regulation Skills with Cognitivities
Physical Education and Physical Activity Improve Children’s Cognition, Achievement & Health
Physical Education (PhysEd) programs in elementary schools play a vital role in promoting learning, academic achievement, social skills,...
CogniSuite™ Executive Function Professional Development
Executive Function Skill deficits impact up to 80% of children ages 3-17 who have ADHD, Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia, Developmental...
Let's Talk About Building Executive Function Skills - Video
While the rate of executive function deficits in the general population of school children is unknown, 40% of children with dyslexia have...
Executive Functions are Cognitive Skills and Cognitive Skills Can Be Learned!
This is my favorite quote from our work at Wellington-Alexander Center, "Executive Functions are Cognitive Skills and Cognitive Skills...
25+ Science of Reading, Language, Literacy & Learning Resources
In 2021, I wrote this post for some families in our practice who asked for more Science of Reading Resources. In the three years that...