7 Engaging Activities for Parents to Foster Children's Self-Regulation Skills with Cognitivities
7 Engaging Activities for Parents to Foster Children's Self-Regulation Skills with Cognitivities
The Importance of Assessing Visual-Perceptual and Visual-Spatial Skills in Physical Education, SPED & Adapted PE
Lynne Kenney, PsyD & Alice Li, BS Boston College Recently an occupational therapist who attended our executive function workshop in...
Cognitivities™ for Better Self-Regulation, Response Inhibition, Memory, & Attention
Incorporate Music, Art, and Movement for Self-Regulation with Cognitivities.
The Music is Within Us: Building Self-Regulation Skills & Connection Through Music
When we think of music, often what comes to mind, is a song. We may think of Broadway musicals, Bach, or Taylor Swift. In our minds,...
Cognitive-Motor Activities For Better Executive Function, Self-Regulation & Learning in Children
Over the past 20 years, we have developed engaging cognitive-motor & executive function activities to help clinicians and educators who...
Power-Up Classroom Cognition with Music, Rhythm, and Motor Movement
Incorporating music, rhythm, and motor movement to strengthen executive function in children is an effective way to “Power-Up” children’s...
Physical Education and Physical Activity Improve Children’s Cognition, Achievement & Health
Physical Education (PhysEd) programs in elementary schools play a vital role in promoting learning, academic achievement, social skills,...
How Do Executive Function Skills Contribute to Reading Proficiency?
Executive Function Skills contribute to phonological processing, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. Neurobiological and...
How is the Cognitive Skill "Sequencing" Important in Reading and Math?
The role of executive function skills in reading and math is becoming better known in education. Understood in the clinical treatment of...
BIG BUDS Kindness and Respect Activity - FREE Download
Our esteemed colleagues Kyle Bragg and Megaera Regan are at Shape America Seattle this week. They have been tweeting about teaching...
CogniSuite™ Executive Function Professional Development
Executive Function Skill deficits impact up to 80% of children ages 3-17 who have ADHD, Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia, Developmental...
Executive Functions are Cognitive Skills and Cognitive Skills Can Be Learned!
This is my favorite quote from our work at Wellington-Alexander Center, "Executive Functions are Cognitive Skills and Cognitive Skills...
30+ Physical Activity Programs + Resources for Parents, Teachers, Principals & Clinicians
We know that physical activity is beneficial for health, stress reduction, social relationships, and cognition. Yet, our children are...
The Importance of Rhythmic Coordinative Beat-Based Movement to Engage Executive Functions
Research in the past 20 years has shown a meaningful relationship between moving in time to a beat and symptomology in ADHD, Autism,...
25+ Science of Reading, Language, Literacy & Learning Resources
In 2021, I wrote this post for some families in our practice who asked for more Science of Reading Resources. In the three years that...
Understanding Dyscalculia and Dyslexia: What’s the Relationship
Dyscalculia is a math learning disability that impairs an individual’s ability to learn number-related concepts, perform accurate math...
Practical Educational Resources for Hybrid, At-Home and Distance Learning
While working with parents, teachers, and districts during this unique time, we asked some of our esteemed colleagues, what Apps and...
Our NEW Executive Function Resources all on One Page!
We have a NEW Executive Function in the Classroom, Home & Clinic PreK-6th-grade resource page you can share with your schools. Our NEW...