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Lynne Kenney, Psy.D., is a pediatric psychologist at Wellington-Alexander Center in Scottsdale, AZ.  Dr. Kenney’s work focuses on executive function and social skill interventions for children.

  • CogniMoves™ with Benjamin S. Bunney, MD

  • Brain Primers™ with Mike Kuczala

  • Bloom Your Room™

  • Musical Thinking™

  • Bloom: 50 Things to Say, Think and Do with anxious, angry, and over-the-top-kids with Wendy Young, LMSW, BCD

  • 70 Play Activities For Better Thinking, Self-Regulation, Learning, and Behavior with Rebecca Comizio, MA, MA Ed, NCSP

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DISCLAIMER: All content provided on this website and across Dr. Kenney’s social media is for informational purposes only. While we strive to provide accurate information, research is ongoing, so content is subject to change. Dr. Kenney makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the information on this site, any link on this site or any social media articles or links. The content shared is not medical or psychological therapy or advice. Please see your own medical care provider for your health and well-being. We will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. These terms and conditions of use are subject to change at any time and without notice. Move2Think, LLC.

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